O2O Assessment

The O2O assessment is now open for application. The assessment enable participating retailers to have a one off assessment on the O2O customer experience preformation of retail outlet service an e-shop (O2O) by secret shoppers. It help to identify the gap of the retailers’ performance on O2O customer experience.

Apply Now

Assessment Details:

Target Retailers: With no. of employee below 100, must have own online store (excluding those listing on e-commerce platform) and at least one physical store.
Target no. of retailers: 50 (First come, first served)
Fee: Free of Charge
Enquiries: Hong Kong Productivity Council
Mr. Wong/ Mr. Chui
Email: albertwong@hkpc.org / matthewchui@hkpc.org
Tel: 2788 5685 / 2788 6009

A report (e-version) with recommendation will be provided to each participating retailers

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